5 Ways To Harness Happiness Naturally

In a World full of so many things happening at once,
a world of constant stimulation
and entertainment.

How do we simply find happiness?
and let go of the negative without repressing it?

Today I decided to talk about ways to generate happiness.
At a young age I had problems being happy and accepting who I was.
I wrote this article with love, in hopes of inspiring you
to find true happiness and bliss.

How to Harness Happiness Naturally! 

1. Happiness is inspired through grateful thoughts.

     The first most important thing of being happy is being grateful. Gratefulness is generated In the thought center of our bodies, aka our mind. Being grateful helps your body and mind psychologically. In psychology gratefulness is also known as, self fulfilling prophecy.  

"A self-fulfilling prophecy is a prediction that directly or indirectly causes itself to become true, by the very terms of the prophecy itself, due to positive feedback between belief and behavior. Examples of such prophecies can be found in literature as far back as ancient Greece and ancient India."

EX: negative prophecy= Im going to fail the test tomorrow. Then you fail because you believed you would fail.
EX: positive prophecy= Im grateful for nailing the test tomorrow and receiving an A+. Even if you do not make and A+ you will not fail due to your positive outlook. 

Just like you are what you eat, you are what you think!

I Am Grateful for my complete bliss and happiness everyday!
(Say this every morning ^)

2.  Eat 3 clean, balanced, whole food, meals a day!

Avoid all processed foods filled with artificial sugars, preservatives, and carcinogenic chemicals.

Try to avoid all foods containing these chemicals:
Little you may know, but these chemicals in junk food have been scientifically linked to depression. So it is best to avoid them or have them in moderation if at all ever. 
Balance is the key.

Then Try adding more colorful whole foods like this to your Diet!
(steamed or raw in a salad!)

3. Exercise to boost Serotonin!

Do what ever exercise you enjoy! Just Get That body Moving!!


Whatever You do as long as you are moving for at least 15-30 minutes a day

4. Go Outside!
If it is cold, I understand. But if you can go outside, even if just for 5 minutes and Breath In the Fresh Air Next to some trees. Maybe even put a hand on the tree. Why?

The earth and all the trees give off Negative Ions. Negative Ions are what are bodies need to stay alkaline, relaxed, and to heal. 

"Negative ions are odorless, tasteless, and invisible molecules that we inhale in abundance in certain environments. Think mountains, waterfalls, and beaches. Once they reach our bloodstream, negative ions are believed to produce biochemical reactions that increase levels of the mood chemical serotonin, helping to alleviate depression, relieve stress, and boost our daytime energy." -WebMD

   An example of the opposite, Positive Ionization, Is when you are in a car or plane too long, or build up friction. When you shock yourself on something metal that means you need some Negative Ionization. The Best Way to receive that is through your bare feet or Bare hands.

Negative Ions are also found in waterfalls! Stick your head under a waterfall! It's not only healing but super fun to be in nature!

If it is warm outside: Read a book on a blanket, go on a picnic, go on a hike, do yoga barefoot in the grass, run barefoot on the grass, tan outside with your towel on the ground, garden, work out barefoot outside, play outside, or whatever you want bare foot or bare hands outside!

5. Journaling!

     Last but not least, Journaling! Which Is one of our personal favorites! 

Basically the rules to journaling are:

1. Buy a journal that resonates with you! One that screams, THIS IS ME!!! (you can find cool ones at barnes and nobles, tjmaxx, big lots, krogers, etc.)

2. Decide how you will use your journal! Personally we use ours to write about how we feel, especially during juice cleanses. We also like to write our affirmations of what we are grateful for. We will write 5 things we are grateful for every day. 

3. You can also keep your dreams in your diary and then translate the meaning that your subconscious wants you to know. This can be very very helpful, especially during hard times. 

4. Keep a list of small attainable goals and check them off as you go. Once you finish one long goal list, start another! Not everything can be completed, but it sure will help motivate you and keep your mind organized! 

5. Write only good thoughts about your life and the people in your life. Writing anything down is like taking a laser and etching it into the invisible wall of the universe for all to feel and see. So treat others how you would want to be treated in their journal or diary!    


^^^ Here Is Kate's Journal!

Now Go Be Blissful! Have A Beautiful Day!!


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